Prolec Australia is very proud and excited to have been selected as a HMA (Hunter Manufacturing Awards) finalist for 2016 in the field of Excellence in Product Design. This nomination is for production of our innovative new product, the Site Ready Light.


The Site Ready Light started as an idea or concept that would allow standard 4WD vehicles to be turned into be turned into a mine/site ready vehicle in a matter of minutes.

Through research and design, trial and error, Prolec Australia have developed a product that can be purchased standard straight off the shelf in a number of variations, or if the end user has a particular requirement, we can work with them, one-on-one, to create a product that will suit their specific needs.

The finished product is of high quality and needs to be extremely robust given the environment it is used in. During the development of the product we considered all possible aspects of where a mine site vehicle will be driven, used and operated. With the harsh conditions of coal dust, coal, rain, rocks, mud and sludge a common issue a mine vehicle has to negotiate, the Site Ready Light was built to withstand these conditions. It is of powder coated, lightweight aluminium construction, with a fully sealed internal compartment using neoprene gasket material.

The idea behind the light is that it is used as a visual indicator that a vehicle is in the area and to be clearly seen by heavy vehicle mine trucks and operators of large machinery.

It uses yellow Hi-Vis reflective, internally lit number displays, Reverse beacons, Indicator, Brake and Reverse Lights, Mine Spec flag that can be adjusted to suit the required height.

It is a sealed unit and doesn’t need to be modified to suit each user. The user only has to identify during the production process the type of trailer plug that is fitted to their vehicle and we fit the corresponding lead to suit that vehicle.

The simple process of sitting site light on roof of vehicle (no need for ladder or electrician to fit), plugging in trailer plug and off you go.

Users of the Site Ready Light will include:-

  • Mine Site Managers
  • Sales Reps required to go temporarily onsite.
  • Rental Car Companies
  • Any other vehicle users required to go onsite temporarily.

The site ready light has been tested while being fitted to a vehicle. The tests included driving through a car wash station at a mine site (Which each vehicle is required to drive through when exiting the mine).

The product is a mine site requirement to have a light bar fitted to be able to access the mine site and drive onsite.

Main body and all associated equipment of the Site Ready Light can be reused or recycled into new Site Ready Lights once the light is no longer required. Simply changing Vehicle identify numbers, changing Trailer plug connectors to suit other vehicles.

The site ready light has a simple construction although is detailed in it design.
